Business Continuity Solutions

Sungard Availability Service, a Pennsylvania-based corporation, offers leading financial software solutions & services to small, medium, and large institutions in every segment of the financial services industry.  Indeed, more than 70 percent of Fortune 100 companies rely on their services.

Rather than focusing on one isolated area of technology, Sungard AS delivers business continuity, information security, IT disaster recovery, and cloud systems that are fully integrated and responsive to every business challenge. Their off-shore backup and hosting of data ensures that, in the event of a natural disaster, their clients would be able to switch over and run their applications remotely, and be back up and running within hours after a major catastrophe.

By applying their deep expertise and experience in disaster recovery, and resilient production environment, Sungard AS helps thousands of customers, globally, achieve uninterrupted access to their mission-critical data and systems.

Sungard Availability Services include:

  • Protecting your data, managing your recovery
  • Cloud-Based Recovery
  • Systems and Data Recovery
  • Recovery Management
  • Business Continuity Management